Self-Healing with Brilliant Sanity: Embracing Our Inner Clarity

In Boulder, a city that champions holistic health, residents find solace in the embrace of nature and the community’s commitment to physical, mental, and emotional well-being. At the heart of this sanctuary is Naropa University, a hub of contemplative education inspired by the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Here, the Buddhist concept of “Brilliant Sanity” […]

Big Breaths: A Health Coach’s Secrets to Vibrant Living

  In Boulder, we’re fortunate to have a health-centered community that supports us in breathing through life’s ups and downs. Boulder is a place where the mountains meet the sky, and the air itself seems to offer healing. This was especially true for me during a recent personal challenge that shook me deeply. I found […]

Meditation: The New Vegetable in Town


Meditation is an ancient practice that trains the mind to observe and regulate its own activity. It has been used for centuries by Hindu and Buddhist practitioners to cultivate attention, insight, and spirituality (1,2). More recently, meditation has been adopted and adapted by Western science and medicine as a way to enhance well-being, reduce stress, […]