Let’s Talk About Antioxidants!

Let’s Talk About Antioxidants! What are Antioxidants? 1. Free Radicals & Antioxidants: 1.1. What are Free Radicals?  Free radicals are molecules that easily loose electrons, making them unstable, and causing them to seek out other molecules’ electrons for stability (damaging other molecules and their tissues in the process). Do you remember the kid at lunchtime […]

Smoothie Recipes Here!

Smoothie Recipes Here! Smoothie Recipes Sweet Buster Smoother This simple smoothies delivers 100% daily fiber needs, heaping doses of iron, manganese, magnesium, and great healthy fats that will bust cravings and keep you fueled throughout the day. My clients have 1 for breakfast or 1/2-servings as morning, afternoon, or before bedtime snacks. Show More Anti-Inflammatory […]

Let’s Talk About Cucumbers & Cucumber Juice!

Let’s Talk About Cucumbers & Cucumber Juice! Cucumbers are rich in water, polyphenolics (potent anti-inflammatory antioxidants), and cucurbitacins (a class of terpenes with anti-inflammatory and other health benefits) that are known to possess multiple antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic/hyperglycemic, anti-aging (anti-hyaluronidase, anti-elastase), diuretic, metabolism-boosting, amylolytic, antimicrobial, and analgesic effects (Uthpala et al., 2020; Sharma, Sharma, & […]

Let’s Talk About Celery Juice!

Let’s Talk About Celery Juice! Celery and celery extracts are rich in flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants (e.g., polyphenols and phenolic acids), and even essential oils! Further, processing celery to juices or smoothies allows consumption of other antioxidants like chlorophyll and additional fermentation benefits (Zhao et al., 2021; Mezeyová et al., 2018). These beneficial compounds […]

Let’s Talk About Acai!

Let’s Talk About Açaí! Açaí is an amazing source of healthy plant fats with plant fiber to boot! Just two (2) packets of unsweetened açaí have 10g of fat. Açaí also provides a great source of sustained endurance (energy) without any sugar crashes. It’s also an amazing source of antioxidants with a stellar glycemic profile (similar to blackberries – […]

Let’s Talk About Edamame!

Let’s Talk About Edamame! Edamame is my favorite superfood. Just four ounces (4oz // ~1/2 C) provides ~14 – 21g of complete protein (complete amino acid profile), 8g healthy fat, 14g carbs, great fiber (!). Soy is estrogenic so when consumed in its natural form (e.g., with the fiber), it helps regulate hormones (the fiber […]

Let’s Talk About Beets!

Let’s Talk About Beets! Beets are powerhouse sources of antioxidants as well as a variety of additional vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients. Beets contain a variety of compounds that facilitate nitrogen metabolism through nitric oxide (NO) binding, nitrite reduction, and nitrate (NOD) formation (Eriksson et al., 2019). These compounds enable beets to have potent vasodilating effects […]

Let’s Talk About Cilantro!

Let’s Talk About Cilantro! Cilantro is a form of Coriandrum sativum along with coriander and Chinese parsley. Research suggests coriander offers beneficial properties, particularly related to liver health, detoxification, heavy metal detoxification, skin infections, glucose utilization, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia, as well as anxiety and pain (Abascal & Yarnell 2012). https://www.innerpath.com.au/matmed/research/Coriandrum%5EsativumACT2012185.pdf   Kidon ́ […]

Let’s Talk About Purple Carrots!

Let’s Talk About Purple Carrots! Purple carrots are major sources of the antioxidants carotenoids and phenolic acid (as well as other polyphenols), with twice as much a- and b-carotene as other carrot colors. Purple carrots also contain anthocyanins (a type of flavonoid antioxidants that are more stable in purple carrots than in other sources) (Kidon […]

Let’s Talk About Bananas!

Let’s Talk About Bananas! Bananas are great natural sweeteners but they also have tons of micronutrient benefits! Generally known for their mineral electrolytes. They are great sources of potassium as well as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. These are all critical for muscle, heart, brain, and nervous system function. Bananas are also great sources of […]