Let’s Talk About Blueberries!

Let’s Talk About Blueberries! Blueberries are rich sources of a variety of beneficial antioxidants, including flavonoids (mainly anthocyanidins), polyphenols (procyanidin), phenolic acids, pyruvic acid, chlorogenic acid, and many others (Ma et al., 2018). Through these antioxidants (especially polyphenols, anthocyanins, and carotenoids), blueberries have preventative/protective and reductive effects against cancer, obesity, inflammation, aging, degenerative diseases, cognitive […]

Let’s Talk About Dark Leafy Green Vegetables

Let’s Talk About Dark Leafy Greens! Dark leafy greens contain a variety of beneficial antioxidants and micronutrients with a large variety of metabolic, weight/anti-obesity, cardiovascular, arterial, gastrointestinal, dermal (skin), anti-inflammatory, nervous, cognitive, and mood/emotional benefits (Guerrera et al., 2009; Alkhatib et al., 2017; Zurbau et al., 2020; Persia et al., 2022; Erlinger et al., 2001; […]

Let’s Talk About Inflammation

Let’s Talk About Inflammation! Inflammation is linked to: 1. Weight Gain & Obesity 2. Cardiovascular disease 3. Diabetes 4. Mood & depression 5. Cognitive function (focus, ADD, & ADHD) 6. Brain Health (e.g., Alzheimer’s Disease) 7. Sports recovery (more inflammation = longer recovery) 8. Immune compromise 9. Irritable bowel disease & gut problems 10. Any […]