Sweet-Buster Smoothie

Sweet-Buster Smoothie This simple smoothies delivers 100% daily fiber needs, heaping doses of iron, manganese, magnesium, and great healthy fats that will bust cravings and keep you fueled throughout the day.  I suggest having 1 for breakfast or 1/2-servings as morning, afternoon, or before-bedtime snacks. Recipe: 1) 1/2 – 1C leafy greens (collard, spinach, chard) […]

Let’s Talk About Cravings!

Let’s Talk About Cravings! Cravings are not wrong and we don’t have to fight them. So Let’s Talk About Them! Common Causes of Cravings: 1. Unfilled Primary Needs: Sleep, Water, Connection, Action, Touch, Creativity, Spirituality, Rest, Food, Play. I see a lot of clients who misinterpret their cravings. For example, we discover their afternoon binge […]

Deconstructing Cravings

Deconstructing Cravings Cravings are not bad or wrong and we don’t have to fight them. In fact, “fighting” or resisting cravings can contribute to and exacerbate the oftentimes problematic behaviors that ensue. So what’s really going on? Common Causes of Cravings: 1. Unfilled Primary Needs: “Primary Foods” refer to the primary ways we nourish our […]